Environmental resilience, energy, water and waste

Dr Diego Panici

Dr Diego Panici is a Civil and Environmental Engineer with a strong interest in hydraulics and hydrology, especially with applications to riverine processes to investigate the effects to river geomorphology, infrastructures (e.g. bridges), and water resources. He developed a strong interest in water during his BSc(hons) and MSc in Rome, where he studied how to satisfy water demand for drought-prone areas and how to model flood risk to heavily urbanised areas.

In 2014 Diego started an integrated PhD at the University of Southampton within the Centre for Doctoral Training in Sustainable Infrastructure Systems, where he investigated the accumulation of large woody debris (LWD) at bridge piers and developed a methodology to estimate the size and shape that can be expected for given flow and LWD characteristics.

In January 2019, Diego joined the University of Exeter as a Postdoctoral Fellow to work on a variety of topics, that included: estimation of the scour risk at bridge piers with accumulated LWD, landslide-channel connectivity and multi-phase modelling, flood impact on strategic networks with climate projections, adapting water abstraction from rivers under increasing dry conditions.

Since October 2022 he joined the Centre for Resilience in Environment, Water and Waste (CREWW) at the University of Exeter as a Lecturer in Hydrological and Water Quality Modelling.
