Environmental resilience, energy, water and waste

Dr Ellen Wiles

Dr Ellen Wiles is a novelist, sound artist, and anthropologist. She creates immersive sound stories to engage audiences imaginatively in environmental science and landscapes, and has been commissioned by organisations including The National Trust and The British Library, and funded by Arts Council England. She will be artist-in-residence at CREWW from Autumn 2024, working on stories of the water system.

Ellen is the author of two novels: The Invisible Crowd (Harper Collins, 2017) and Unexpected (forthcoming from HarperCollins in 2024), and two non-fiction books: Saffron Shadows (Columbia University Press, 2015) and Live Literature (Palgrave, 2021). She has a multidisciplinary background, having read music at the University of Oxford and played the flute professionally, practised as a barrister at a leading London chambers, worked as a lawyer in Thailand, Botswana and Myanmar, and completed an MA in Creative Writing and a PhD in literary anthropology. This multidisciplinary perspective shapes her approach to creative writing and arts-led scholarship.
